Fast Christian Ordination for Sincere People

We are a Jesus centered Fast Ordination Ministry that has been in existence for over 43+ years. We provide personal service by phone if you wish to call in your application or have any questions (559) 297-4271. We welcome Seniors who wish to apply and all other sincere people. We are nondenominational.

all roads lead to heaven

guided site tour

application page

mail application packet

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Pictures Below are
Links to Important Pages

general info page

weddings page

Becoming Ordained!
How to Become an Ordained Licensed Minister almost immediately?

This ministry has been providing sincere honest simple ordination for over 41+ years. We have ordained several thousand people in each state of the USA and in over 85 foreign counties.

Reliable Service, Easy to Contact by Phone
      World Christianship is always easy to contact should you have any questions. Just pick up the phone and give us a call at (559) 297-4271. We are happy to answer any questions you might have. The person taking your call will be experienced and able to answer your concerns.

      Most Experienced Ordination Ministry on the Internet for Personally Performing Marriage Ceremonies
      Most Ordination Ministries on the Internet will be happy to ordain you to do wedding ceremonies. However, most do not have much, if any, experience doing ceremonies themselves.

      World Christianship Ministries Administrator and Founder (Rev. McElroy) has personally performed over 2,500 marriage ceremonies.

      We are happy to pass on our experience should you have any questions about performing marriages.

      Rev. McElroy has written a handbook called the Marriage Minister Handbook based on his own wedding experiences. This handbook is "straight to the point" and not filled with lots of information that you will never use.

To see all that World Christianship Ministries has to offer you as an ordained minister, or ordained clergy, you can open up any of our photographic page links on the left hand side of this page for detailed information.

We also recommend you take our Guided Site Tour. Just follow the Red "Continue Guided Site Tour" buttons at the top of each page. On each of the pages on the tour you may open your ordering form and brief application at any time by clicking on the blue "Apply Now - Application Page Blue Bar" near the top of the page.

bonus item page

bible study

Full Legal Ordination and Licensing Authority
We give you full authority as an Ordained and Licensed Minister or Clergy to begin your own independent church of ministry and perform all Christian ceremonies including Marriage, Baptism and Funerals.

  wcm music page

Service and Support
We take pride in our excellent and personal support.

We offer quick and professional advice concerning your ordination or other ministerial needs, and questions.

When we ordain you we are also here to offer advice in the future if you need it.  Just give us a call with your questions.

How to Apply
  • Call in your application to: (559) 297-4271 (or)
  • Fax in your application to: (559) 297-4223 (or)
  • Mail in your application to the address on the application (or)
  • E-Mail your application to us as a PDF or JPEG attachment to our E-Mail address:
  • Fast Processing, Fast Shipping

World Christianship Ministries LLC
World Christianship Ministries name has been in continual use for 42+ years and was a registered trademark.

  E-Mail Address:

World Christianship Ministries
PO Box 20030
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151

phone us 

© World Christianship Ministries, LLC

Statement of Faith
Part 1:  All the Words of Jesus (Our Favorite)
Part 2:  The rest of the Bible, with an emphasis on all parts concerning God's Love!

Service - Support - Commitment
Over 43+ years of experience.

We believe in you
God believes in you

Believe in yourself !!!

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